23 Jan Why SEO is important
Why SEO is important
Website Design | SEO Search Engine Optimization | Marketing Strategy | Social Media | Branding| Brand Development
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For any business website it is important to have regular traffic, right? If customers are not clicking on your page and browsing the content, a website almost seems pointless. One of the most effective ways to build an online presence is to prioritize SEO. SEO is not easy but with a little help, your company will be put in a great position to grow and meet long-term goals. Below are some reasons why SEO is important in 2019.
SEO builds trust between your company and your customer. The goal of SEO is to, “establish a strong foundation for a beautiful website with a clean, effective user experience that is easily discoverable in search with thanks to the trust and credibility of the brand and its digital properties” (Search Engine Journal). If your website is easy to find, easy to use, and the user experience is enjoyable for customers who click on your page…you are building trust and credibility with your customers. Once strong trust is built it will be hard for your competitors to lure your customers away.
SEO influences whether or not your product/service will get purchased. Most product research is not done by reading magazines and newspapers anymore. People do their research online by simply browsing websites and seeing which one has the best options. Using SEO to relay new products/services, sales, and good deals to your customers can be a game changer. You want your company and your product to be in the running against competitors, but if customers are doing their research and your website is not even looked at, you have no chance of selling to that customer. Use SEO to make sure your product/service has a chance of being purchased.
SEO services can be purchased at a reasonable price. Corvus allows you to choose how much time and money you want to spend on SEO. We can walk you through every step or you can hand most of the work load over to us and have us do the heavy lifting. We will do our best to prepare you and your website for effective SEO no matter how much you spend with us or what industry your company is in. Bottom line is that you should invest in SEO as it is cheap and instantly effective.
Most businesses should focus on investing time, money, and effort into SEO because without an online presence they will be giving their competitors a competitive advantage. SEO builds trust, it impacts the buying cycle, and is a relatively cheap service.
For more information on SEO stay updated on our website or give us a call.
Why SEO is important
Website Design | SEO Search Engine Optimization | Marketing Strategy | Social Media | Branding| Brand Development