04 May Experienced Sacramento Marketing Branding Agency
The Signs Of An Experienced Sacramento Marketing Branding Agency
Simply said, Corvus is Branding. We work diligently for our clients to make certain that their company and their name is appropriately marketed. There are some things we have come across recently that have been taking advertising by storm. When you are as deep into the advertising realm as we are, you begin to notice things. Here are a few things I have noticed recently.
Hashtags are everywhere! Our world as we once knew it is now enveloped by hashtags. Anyone who is no one can slap a few trending hashtags on an ad and they immediately become someone! Take sporting events for example. When there is a big game on and there is a crazy play that will be memorialized someday, you will see the hashtags flying all across social media. #didyouseethatplay #thatoneisgoinginthebooks #halloffamerighttherebaby or even the jabs at other teams #stillnotawinner #maybenexttime There is literally a hashtag for everything and whatever you what there to be. If they are properly placed and worded, it could be a very successful branding idea.
Also take a look at the humorous side of advertising. If something is funny, you may laugh at it. If something is ridiculously funny, you will share it with others. If something is so funny, you literally watch it over and over, you will most definitely share it with the public and then ask others if they watched it yet. Humor sells. Humor is money in the bank for a branding agency trying to help a company brand or even rebrand themselves.
Lastly, think of the animals and babies. If you toss a puppy or a cute baby in an ad you will have more views than ever imagined. There are companies that sell vehicles and when they toss a cute baby in a car seat in the commercial, the rise of sales on those vehicles skyrocketed. Coincidence? Doubt it.
A great Sacramento Marketing Branding Agency knows what is working now and what has had its time in the limelight. Corvus knows what is working right now and will put that to benefit your business. Contact us today!