12 Nov 6 Things A Great WordPress Website Designer Should Be Doing For You!
6 Things A Great WordPress Website Designer Should Be Doing For You!
Anyone can make their own wordpress website design, right? Isn’t that what gets pounded into us online and on commercials within a daily basis? While I am sure Susie Homemaker can indeed make her own blog featuring her favorite recipes or the funny thing that Tommy did in school today, you are a professional and want a professional website. So, let the professionals do it.
Everywhere you turn are there people discussing news forms of marketing? Certainly there are. Your website should always be number one on that marketing list where your business is concerned. Having an ill formatted website will cause issues for your company right away. So making sure that your web designer has their own to-do list in order will make for a very nice site for everyone involved.
What your web designer should be doing for you:
- Your site design is in their hands. Taking only suggestions from you, the creation is their responsibility.
- CMS setup.
- Static pages setup.
- Publishing page setup.
- Turn over password/login credentials.
- Lesson on basics involved with updating CMS.
Keep one thing in mind, your web designer is just that, a designer. It is not their responsibility to run your SEO or marketing campaigns. It is their responsibility to give you a website that is compatible with others in the field. Do not expect them to do more than their trade, which is not fair to them as professionals. Corvus is an excellent agency that can handle all aspects for you. The website, branding, and marketing.
One very important point is to check out any potential web site design company before you use them. Refer t sites that they made and ask for references. Speak to previous customers and you may be surprised as to what you hear. Make sure that you sit down and talk to your potential designer about what your needs and expectations are. A consultation prior to work being done is very important to Corvus. This is so that everyone involved can be on the same page.