11 Sep Welcome to CORVUS
Welcome to CORVUS
From logos, to websites, to strategy, Corvus will develop, coordinate and implement all the moving parts that make a successful marketing campaign that resonate with your customers and grow your business.
The word Corvus, by definition, is the type genus of the Corvidae: crows and ravens. Also known as corvids, these birds are considered highly intelligent and work together well in teams to solve problems. What better name for what we are, an eclectic group of marketers, designers and consultants solving simple and complex problems for our clients.
We were all friends before we were marketers. Corvus is like a very strange, but loving family. We like to approach each day with enthusiasm and a very unique type of energy. We guarantee there are not too many firms like ours out there and we like that. We take everything seriously, except ourselves.
Our clients are extensions of our Corvus Family, whose needs rank as high as our own. We will always do what we say and can be counted on. It is in our best interest to keep our client’s best interest in mind. Plus, it makes us feel all warm and toasty inside.
Brand Development
Logo Design
Street Teams/Ambassadors
Web Design
Optimization (SEO)
Social Media Management
Marketing Strategy
Ad Campaigns