20 Aug Brand Ambassadors |Sacramento UBER walk down the aisle
Brand Ambassadors |Sacramento UBER walk down the aisle
Corvus has spent 10 years perfecting the art of guerilla marketing. We start by acknowledging there is only thing in common between our clients—the need for each of their brands to be number one. As a Corvus client brand dilution will never be a concern. We start by specially crafting campaigns to cultivate growth, brand awareness, market share and, of course, return on investment. Then we strategically send our brand ambassadors into the community where they use their professionalism and friendliness to build relationships and create publicity on the streets. Corvus has been running street teams for years and our awareness campaigns can be implemented anywhere in the United States.
Recently, we were excited to send a top notch team of our local brand ambassadors into Sacramento’s Bridal Convention at CalExpo. While there our team spread awareness about UBER products in the area and invited guests to visit the UBER booth we set up on the convention’s main floor. Visitors buzzed around our UBER booth all day while our team shared UBER’s message, answered questions about the company and helped new users sign up for UBER accounts. By setting our brand representatives loose on local brides-to-be, Corvus was able to sign up new UBER users by the droves. This level of experiential marketing will be proven to significantly increase UBER awareness in Sacramento…Something they will begin to notice as brides, grooms and guests start requesting UBER cars on the big days.